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work, but this struggle is going to be hard one, for it is in law; they are aware that they must pull back but have to
fact a fight against myths. take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the
Furthermore, an aggravating factor is that the majority exceptional circumstances.
of Solidarity supporters and the source of its dynamism are
the youth, who joined Solidarity in order to knock down II.
the obstacles that thwart and frustrate their aspirations for
intellectual and material well-being. Their attitude may be Our experience and impressions of intensive formal
characterized as nothing less than pro-Western and anti- and informal discussions held with members of the Polish
Soviet. All that goes hand in hand with the intoxicating leadership can be summarized as follows:
feeling of their hitherto often successful political fight
against the authorities. Therefore they have to be offered 1. The activity of the Military Council for National
attractive goals and suitable conditions in a political and Defense is very well-organized, the armed forces and
economic situation which is by far the worse than ever. police authorities are carrying out their historic duties with
The other main character of the Solidarity movement commendable discipline. Their actions have stabilized the
is clericalism. The Polish Catholic Church, unlike the government institutions, eliminated open and organized
Hungarian [Catholic Church], did not get exposed in the resistance and apparently restored public law and order.
course of events. What is more, it has gained ground The indispensable primary conditions thus are in place for
within Solidarity and reinforced its social position through socialist consolidation.
it. While remaining realistic, the Polish leadership is still
looking for possibilities of coexistence between the State 2. The favorable conditions created by the
and the Church. They are maintaining relations with the introduction of martial law and the stability attained so far
Church and trying to keep them from deteriorating beyond are in danger mainly due to the lack of political power or
a minimum level. rather its disintegration.
Comrade Jaruzelski pointed out that in the fields of
ideological work, propaganda and mass communication 3. The Party is invariably divided and has become
they are employing administrative measures first of all. less active. Party leaders regard the situation created by
Though there is a strict censorship they believe, based on the army s actions, that is, the so-called  conditions of
Hungarian experience, that in the course of time they will artificial defense, as natural and this is delaying the
be able to use more flexible and more efficient means in development of the political offensive. Within the party
this field too. there are heated debates amongst the various trends and
Presently, the poor condition of the national economy tendencies and no determined political platform until now.
is a major burden. Even without the destruction of the last It would seem that there is a mutual understanding that the
15 months the situation would be grave, but now Party must not return either to the position before August
economic conditions have become catastrophic. There is a 1980, nor to the one preceding 13 December 1981.
general shortage of supplies, prices and wages are Consequently, there has to be concordance between the
unrealistic, the supply of energy and raw materials for general principles of building socialism and Polish
national characteristics. However, in practice, differences xxx
of opinion are emerging even in the process of setting the
specific tasks and direct objectives. According to The delegation of the HSWP fulfilled its mission. The
representatives of one of the main trends, national exchange of opinions was useful and we are convinced
characteristics the role of the Catholic Church, the that our fraternal Polish Party needs all-embracing and
degree of Polish national consciousness, the situation of concrete support in the future too. As far as we could tell,
the agriculture and so forth have to be given a decisive beyond their expedience, our suggestions provided first of
role, furthermore the past 35 years of the construction of all moral encouragement and support for the Polish
socialism has to be fundamentally revised and reassessed. leadership.
According to the other trend, which is less perceptible now
amongst the topmost circles of the Party, due to the We suggest that, depending on the Polish comrades
immediate counterrevolutionary threat and highly needs, a similar discussion take place in Warsaw in the
sensitive national feelings, the balance has to be restored near future and that, at their request, a consultation be held
by way of laying a larger emphasis on the general in Budapest on the relevant issues.
principles of building socialism and on the basic
categories of Marxism-Leninism.
4. Hostile forces were successfully disabled, but not Budapest, 30 December 1981
liquidated. The enemy s tactics could be now either of János Berecz György Aczél Jenõ Fock
two kinds:
a/ To go underground and consistently hamper [Source: Hungarian National Archives (Budapest),
consolidation by staging terrorist actions and sabotages, or Department of Documents on the Hungarian Workers
Party and the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party, 288. f.
b/ To call for the restoration of quiet and order, and so 5/844. ö.e., pp. 14 - 20.]
to emphasize the senselessness of continued maintenance
of martial law, and then to demand its earliest possible
5. There was a keen and general interest in the
Hungarian experience everywhere. We are of the opinion
that in this respect they repeatedly took our previous
results as a basis and they seem to know little about the
initial steps of the hard-won consolidation. When they are
about to announce the introduction of harsh measures,
they often refer to these results without proper knowledge
of these experiences.
MRS. LI DANHUI (doctoral candidate, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing),  Sino-Soviet Relations and
the Vietnam War
MR. KRZYSZTOF PERSAK (PhD candidate and junior fellow at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish
Academy of Sciences),  The Establishment of Communist Rule in Poland
DR. JORDAN BAEV (Senior Fellow at the Institute of Military History, Sofia),  The Cold War and the
Build-up of Militry-Political Alliances in the Balkans, 1945-1990.
Moscow s Man in the SED Politburo
and the Crisis in Poland in Autumn 1980
By Michael Kubina1
y the late 1970s, Soviet-East German relations had results Honecker s policy could have for Moscow s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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