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a. Describe the role of the interview in the job Creative Life Skills Activities, Activity 31, The Right Look
4. Can interview for a job. search process. for a Job Interview.
b. Research the company in preparation for the FUTURE/PATH, p. 31, 58.
interview. Life Skills Activities for Secondary, V-14, Interviewing, p.
c. Model appropriate grooming, attire, and 343-345.
behavior for a job interview. Making It on Your Own, Getting Ready For the Interview, p.
d. Identify possible interview questions and 13-14.
develop responses. PAYA, Module 3, Employment p. 85-96.
e. Identify legal vs. illegal interview questions. Pocket Guide, Interviewing Tips, p. 19.
f. Describe the verbal and non-verbal Pocket Guide Instructions, Interviewing Tips, p. 40-47.
communication skills used in an interview. Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #10.
g. Identify at least three personal strengths Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #11.
related to the employment opportunity. Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #12.
h. Practice a job interview with a friend or older SEALS II, A Better View of Interviews, p. 26.
adult. Young Person s Guide, C. 2, 3, and 11.
i. Conduct a job interview and evaluate personal Mapping Your Future, Conducting the Job Search
performance. http://mapping-your-future.org/planning/thejob.htm
Life Skills Guidebook 152
2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Explain two ways to follow-up (e.g., phone Making It on Your Own, Follow-up, p. 15.
5. Knows and understands call, thank-you letter, e-mail). PAYA, Module 3, Employment, Follow-up Letters, p. 97-100.
the importance of b. Describe what to say in follow-up contact. Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #13.
following up after a job Young Person s Guide, C. 11.
a. Identify common workplace equipment Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, Impact of Technology
6. Knows how to use including computers and other workplace on the Work Place
common workplace technologies. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JITE/v33n3/lewis.html
technology. b. Demonstrate using technology to complete
workplace tasks (e.g., fax, computers, copier,
a. Explain the wage deduction information Developing Your Vision, Book 4.
7. Knows and understands contained on the pay stub. I Know Where I Am Going, Part II, C. 3, Do I Get a Job or
employee wage b. Identify employee benefits (e.g., health Bank on the Lottery?
deductions, benefits, and insurance, educational leave, vacation, Making It on Your Own, Your Paycheck, p. 80.
rights. disability, and pension plans). PAYA, Module 3, Employment, p. 36-41.
c. Describe how to get employee benefits. PAYA, Module 3, Job Maintenance, p. 115-121.
d. Describe one s rights regarding sexual Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #14.
harassment. Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #15.
e. Explain what a grievance is and how to use What Are My Rights, You and Your Job, p. 55-67.
the grievance procedures to resolve disputes. Young Person s Guide, C. 1 and 14.
f. Identify company resources that describe Center for Disease Control, Safety and Health on the Job
employee rights and benefits (e.g., personnel http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/adoldoc.html
policies, company Intranet site). Youth Rules, Labor Department Youth Guidelines
g. Explain child labor laws (e.g., number of work http://youthrules.dol.gov/teens/default.htm
hours, equipment operation).
Life Skills Guidebook 153
2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Identify the behaviors and attitudes (e.g., Creative Life Skills Activities, Activity 14, Choose to Keep It.
8. Knows how to maintain being on time, following directions, assuming FUTURE/PATH, p. 32.
employment. responsibility) that affect job retention and Life Skills Activities for Secondary, V-15, Having a Good
advancement. Attitude, p. 346-348.
b. Describe proper workplace attire. Life Skills Activities for Secondary, V-16, Being a Good
c. Explain what the chain of command is and Employee, p. 349-350.
how it works. Life Skills Activities for Secondary, V-17, Getting Along with
d. Describe the importance of supervision and the Boss, p. 351-353.
accept supervision. Life Skills Activities for Secondary, V-18, You Are the Boss,
e. Demonstrate the ability to organize and p. 354-356.
manage time to complete work place tasks. PAYA, Module 3, Job Maintenance, p. 122-124.
f. Demonstrate two ways for dealing with Pocket Guide, Keeping a Job, p. 20.
criticism. Pocket Guide Instructions, Keeping a Job, p. 47-79.
g. Demonstrate negotiation skills in resolving Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #16.
workplace differences. Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #17.
h. Demonstrate working cooperatively with Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #18.
others as a member of a team. SEALS II, Ask Wendy, p. 23.
i. Demonstrate asking for help with a work Young Person s Guide, C. 14.
related question.
j. Identify ways to advance on the job (e.g.
employment training programs, higher
k. Read to improve your work skills.
a. Recognize how job endings can impact future Life Skills Activities for Secondary, V-20, Changing Jobs:
9. Knows how to change job opportunities. Why? p. 359-360.
jobs. b. Explain why it is important to give adequate Life Skills Activities for Secondary, V-21, Changing Jobs:
notice to the employer. How? p. 361-363.
c. Demonstrate a positive exit interview with a Pocket Guide, Changing Jobs, p. 21.
company. Pocket Guide Instructions, Changing Jobs, p. 80-84.
Ready, Set, Fly! Employment #19.
Life Skills Guidebook 154
2004 by Casey Family Programs.
Learning Goals Expectations Activities
a. Tell when it is good manners to open the door Life Skills Activities for Children, Being Courteous, p. 328-
10. Can describe everyday for another person. 329.
etiquette. b. Tell when it is good manners to give up your Life Skills Activities for Children, Saying Thank You , p.
seat for another person. 345-346.
c. Explain manners for using a public phone. Oops! Magic Words, p. 8-11.
d. Give examples of appropriate words to show Oops! After You! p. 16-17.
displeasure or excitement as an alternative to Oops! The Golden Rule, p. 18-19.
crude comments. Social Skills Activities for Children, Opening Doors for
e. Describe the difference between gossip and Others, p. 381-383.
sharing information. Social Skills Activities for Children, Giving Up Your Seat, p.
f. Describe at least five situations in which you 384-386.
would express thankfulness. Social Skills Activities for Children, Public Phones, p. 387-
g. Role play saying thank you. 388.
Social Skills Activities for Children, Using Good Language, p.
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