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10. The Golden
electronics, and even cables, will
participants, that you can take as much electrically. The law of physics that says is that you need a specially designed
Ear Lie
sound better after a burn-in period
time as wish (how about 16 trials over so is called the superposition principle. high-priced line cord to obtain the best There are of course more Big Lies in
of days or weeks or months (yes,
16 weeks?), and that you can verify the In terms of electronics, the superposition possible sound. Any line cord rated to This is the catchall lie that should per- audio than these ten, but let s save a few
months). Pure garbage. Capacitors will
transparency of the inserted control theorem states that any number of volt- handle domestic ac voltages and cur- haps go to the head of the list as No. for another time. Besides, it s not really
form in a matter of seconds after
devices with a straight-wire bypass. ages applied simultaneously to a linear rents will perform like any other. Ultra- 1 but will also do nicely as a wrap-up. the audio industry that should be
power-on. Bias will stabilize in a
The objections are totally bogus and network will result in a current which is high-end line cords are a fraud. Your The Golden Ears want you to believe blamed but our crazy consumer culture
matter of minutes (and shouldn t be all
hypocritical. the exact sum of the currents that would audio circuits don t know, and don t that their hearing is so keen, so ex- coupled with the widespread acceptance
that critical in well-designed equip- result if the voltages were applied indi-
Here s how you smoke out a lying, care, what s on the ac side of the power quisite, that they can hear tiny nu- of voodoo science. The audio industry,
weaseling, obfuscating anti-ABX hyp- ment, to begin with). There is ab- vidually. The audio salesman or phile transformer. All they re interested in is ances of reproduced sound too elusive specifically the high-end sector, is merely
solutely no difference in performance
ocrite. Ask him if he believes in any who can prove the contrary will be an the dc voltages they need. Think about for the rest of us. Absolutely not true. responding to the prevailing climate. In
between a correctly designed ampli- instant candidate for some truly major
kind of A/B testing at all. He will it. Does your car care about the hose Anyone without actual hearing im- the end, every culture gets exactly what
fier s (or preamp s or CD player s) first- scientific prizes and academic honors. At
probably say yes. Then ask him what you filled the tank with? pairment can hear what they hear, but it deserves. TAC
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